Food and drinks Enjoy delicious mussels in Middelburg

Middelburg is renowned for its rich maritime heritage and delightful culinary traditions. One of the most beloved treats in this charming coastal city is undoubtedly the mussel. Dining on mussels in Middelburg is not just a meal; it's an experience you shouldn't miss during your visit to this city.

When you're in Middelburg and craving mussels, there are plenty of cozy restaurants and eateries where you can savor this seafood delicacy. Eating mussels isn't just a gastronomic delight; it's also a social experience. Share a large pot of mussels with friends or family and relish each other's company while enjoying these delicious seafood.

These restaurants serve delectable mussel dishes:

How to Eat Mussels?

Eating mussels may seem challenging for newcomers, but it's actually quite simple and, most importantly, fun.


Here's a brief guide on how to eat mussels:

Choose Your Weapon

Mussels are often served with a fork and a spoon. Use the fork to remove the mussel from its shell, while the spoon comes in handy for scooping up the flavorful sauce. Our tip: Use the empty shell as tongs (as the real Zeelanders do): Take an empty mussel shell and use it as a sort of tong to remove the mussel from its shell. Scrape the empty shell along the inside of the mussel to release the meat.


Sample the Sauce

The sauce in which the mussels are cooked is often a tasty blend of herbs, vegetables, and wine (or beer). Use your spoon to ladle some of the sauce onto your mussels for extra flavor. Then, bring the mussel to your mouth and savor the delicious taste. The meat is tender and juicy, and the sauce adds an extra dimension of flavor.



Repeat the process with the other mussels on your plate. Mussels are often served with fries, bread, or other side dishes, so be sure to taste those as well.


Enjoy your meal.

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